This is a Contour drawing that I did in class for life drawing. It was done with a orange marker. These are pictures of people with props. They are done with brown/red conté. These are picture done with black conté. A figure holding an instrument. This is a picture that we did at Victoria Park, it's done with a normal 2HB pencil. These are done with a dark green color pastells. They are pictures of a counter of the room at the old Normal Teachers College. These pictures are done with red pastells.
These picture is done with brown conté. These are done with black charcoal. This is a picture where we had to do the human gesture and then a animal gesture of the same pose. This is a man and then a monkey.
These are boxes we had to draw in class.
These are done with colored pencils.
This picture was done with markers.
These are some gesture drawing that I did in Life Drawing class. They are done with pencil crayon and then brown conté . They are all done within 30 sec to 1 min.